Infrastructure as Code with Azure Bicep - deploying app service, bot service with several Azure integrations

What are we deploying using Bicep
See here on the Bot framework based application that we had built so far.
Microsoft documentation provides basic default ARM templates, which we would replace with Bicep scripts, with several integrations with Azure services, in a modular design covering several aspects of IaC development with Azure bicep.
Who is deploying
As a developer, you may run deployment scripts and need at least "Contributor" access over the subscription. Later if you are deploying in CI/CD pipeline, the service principal needs to have "Contributor" access over the subscription Reason is that we could limit access over just the Resource Group where we deploy the bot, but we may need to access say a Key Vault from a different RG.
What we would achieve
Build IaC using Bicep the Bot web app (app service) along with the Bot service. We add a bit of complexity also along with the necessary to do things, such as:
- create app service plan
- create UserAssignedMSI (user managed identity) for the bot. We would use a password free identity
- create app service (web app)
- create bot service
- create serverless cosmos DB to persist bot's user state
- create key vault to persist Cosmos DB connection as secrets, also back end API url & secret and later use them in bot
- use an existing app insights instance to connect the bot, persist the existing connection string in Key Vault as a secret
- assign required 'user' permissions to the UserAssignedMSI on the key vault
Assume the resource group where we create bot infra exists already, and we skip creation for it. You may add it.
Also, few more requirements:
- consistent naming conventions of resources
- modular design
- abstracted complexity from module callers
- comprehensive tagging of resources
- use latest Azure API's in biceps
Create modules/key_vault/keyVault.bicep
Note that when deleting resource group multiple times, if soft delete is enabled on vault, it needs to be recovered, if name is same (cannot use the same name). Hence, here we disable soft delete so that we can use default create mode (other one is 'recover') every time we create the infra. Key Vault is a global Azure service
param location string
param resourcePrefix string
param commonTags object
param appInsightsKey string
param backEndAPIBaseURL string
param backEndAPIKey string
var botKeyVaultName = '${resourcePrefix}-kv'
resource botKeyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2024-04-01-preview' = {
name: botKeyVaultName
location: location
tags:union(commonTags, {
name: botKeyVaultName
properties: {
sku: {
family: 'A'
name: 'standard'
tenantId: subscription().tenantId
accessPolicies: []
createMode: 'default'
enableSoftDelete: false // delete always full, we can recreate...
// Store the App Insights Conn String
resource appInsightsSecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2024-04-01-preview' = {
name: 'app-insights-key'
parent: botKeyVault
properties: {
value: backEndAPIKey
attributes: {
enabled: true
// Store the API URL
resource backEndAPIUrlSecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2024-04-01-preview' = {
name: 'back-end-api-url'
parent: botKeyVault
properties: {
value: backEndAPIBaseURL
attributes: {
enabled: true
// Store the API subscription key for teams bot
resource backEndAPIKeySecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2024-04-01-preview' = {
name: 'back-end-api-passsword'
parent: botKeyVault
properties: {
value: backEndAPIKey
attributes: {
enabled: true
output botKeyVaultName string =
Create modules/managed_identity_roles/managedIdentityRoles.bicep [wont be used]
If need be, assuming with an existing key vault, that our bot's managed identity wants to use, is configured with Vault Access Policy. All we want is to list & get secrets from that Key Vault, then this might be needed.
param keyVaultName string
param managedIdentityPrincipalId string
// Reference the existing Key Vault
resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2024-04-01-preview' existing = {
name: keyVaultName
// If using VAULT ACCESS POLICY in KEY VAULT, need access to managed identity running in web app
// to be able to list and get secrets for API keys and app insights key
resource keyVaultAccessPolicy 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies@2024-04-01-preview' = {
parent: keyVault
name: 'add'
properties: {
accessPolicies: [
tenantId: subscription().tenantId
objectId: managedIdentityPrincipalId
permissions: {
secrets: [
// key vault secrets user role id. Always fixed in Azure. ( DO NOT GIVE READER)
//var roleDefinitionId = '4633458b-17de-408a-b874-0445c86b69e6'
// IF USING RBAC in KEY VAULT: Assign the Key Vault Secrets User role to the managed identity for the Key Vault
// resource roleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2022-04-01' = {
// name: guid(, managedIdentityPrincipalId, roleDefinitionId)
// scope: keyVault
// properties: {
// principalId: managedIdentityPrincipalId
// roleDefinitionId: subscriptionResourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', roleDefinitionId)
// principalType: 'ServicePrincipal'
// }
// }
Create modules/managed_identity_roles/thisRGmanagedIdentityRoles.bicep
Here, we try to give permissions to the managed identity to use the Key Vault that we created to persist any bot specific secrets (such as Cosmos DB connection, which we would do a little later) in this Resource Group itself.
param botKeyVaultName string
param managedIdentityPrincipalId string
// Reference the existing Key Vault
resource teamsBotKeyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2024-04-01-preview' existing = {
name: botKeyVaultName
// If using VAULT ACCESS POLICY in KEY VAULT, need access to managed identity running in web app
// to be able to list and get secrets for cosmos
resource teamsBotKeyVaultAccessPolicy 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies@2024-04-01-preview' = {
parent: teamsBotKeyVault
name: 'add'
properties: {
accessPolicies: [
tenantId: subscription().tenantId
objectId: managedIdentityPrincipalId
permissions: {
secrets: [
Create modules/managed_identity/managedIdentity.bicep
Create the managed identity and assign permissions to this.
- permissions to use Key Vault created for bot secrets
- permissions to use Key Vault that was existing to be used
Important thing to note here is this identity's client id would be used in the Bot service's Microsoft App ID. Now we would later use this identifier to create a Teams App that we would deploy to teams. The app is nothing but a bundle of manifest file (JSON) and icons. Now, you may have restrictions to deploy this again and again, and if you delete the RG or this identity, when scripts are re-run they would generate a new identity, and hence a new client id which becomes a new Microsoft App ID for the bot, which means now, the Teams App needs re-deployment to work !
Now you can manually lock the deletion of this identity but you need "owner" permissions or additional permissions with Contributor access. Here we do not use Bicep to lock the deletion, but use portal to lock it !
Secondly, we don not want the name to be dynamic - running multiple times with changing names would cause new identity to be created and the same issue ! Hence, as an exception, we fix the name of this identity across environments.
param location string
param resourcePrefix string
param commonTags object
param teamsBotKeyVaultName string
// managed identity be locked for deletion as this would generate client ID (Microsoft App ID) for the bot service, which would be used to create teams app via manifest file
// deleting and recreating means it would generate new identity, and map it to bot in entire IaC and existing teams app would fail to connect
// Also, fix the name so that, we dont change resource prefix in main.bicep resulting in new identity to be created, resulting in new Microsoft App ID for the bot service
var managedIdentityName = 'app-base-name-managed-identity'
// Create the user-assigned managed identity
resource userAssignedIdentity 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities@2023-07-31-preview' = {
name: managedIdentityName
location: location
tags:union(commonTags, {
name: managedIdentityName
// in the key vault that comes from different RG, enable if needed, accept kvResourceGroupName, kvResourceGroupName here, and pass from caller
// module someOtherRoleAssignmentModule '../managed_identity_roles/managedIdentityRoles.bicep' = {
// name: 'otherRGRoleAssignmentModule'
// scope: resourceGroup(kvResourceGroupName) // this is in some other RG
// params: {
// keyVaultName: keyVaultName
// managedIdentityPrincipalId:
// }
// }
// in the teams RG itself
module botRGRoleAssignmentModule '../managed_identity_roles/thisRGmanagedIdentityRoles.bicep' = {
name: 'botRGRoleAssignmentModule'
params: {
botKeyVaultName: teamsBotKeyVaultName
output userAssignedIdentityId string =
output userAssignedTenantId string =
output userAssignedClientId string =
Create modules/database_cosmos/databaseCosmos.bicep
Create the Cosmos DB serverless where we would persist user states. Also, lookup the key vault that we created for this purpose and create secrets for Cosmos DB connection string & secret key !
param location string
param resourcePrefix string
param commonTags object
param botKeyVaultName string
var databaseAccountName = '${resourcePrefix}-cosmos'
resource databaseAccount 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2024-05-15' = {
name: databaseAccountName
location: location
tags:union(commonTags, {
name: databaseAccountName
kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
identity: {
type: 'None'
properties: {
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled'
enableAutomaticFailover: false
enableMultipleWriteLocations: false
isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled: false
virtualNetworkRules: []
disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess: false
enableFreeTier: false
enableAnalyticalStorage: false
analyticalStorageConfiguration: {
schemaType: 'WellDefined'
databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
defaultIdentity: 'FirstPartyIdentity'
networkAclBypass: 'None'
disableLocalAuth: false
enablePartitionMerge: false
enableBurstCapacity: false
minimalTlsVersion: 'Tls12'
consistencyPolicy: {
defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
maxIntervalInSeconds: 5
maxStalenessPrefix: 100
locations: [
locationName: location
failoverPriority: 0
isZoneRedundant: false
cors: []
capabilities: [
name: 'EnableServerless'
ipRules: []
backupPolicy: {
type: 'Periodic'
periodicModeProperties: {
backupIntervalInMinutes: 240
backupRetentionIntervalInHours: 8
backupStorageRedundancy: 'Geo'
networkAclBypassResourceIds: []
// Reference the existing Key Vault
resource teamsBotKeyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2024-04-01-preview' existing = {
name: botKeyVaultName
scope: resourceGroup()
// Store the Cosmos DB account endpoint
resource endpointSecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2024-04-01-preview' = {
name: 'teams-bot-cosmos-endpoint'
parent: teamsBotKeyVault
properties: {
value: 'https://${}'
// Store the Cosmos DB account key
resource keySecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2024-04-01-preview' = {
name: 'teams-bot-cosmos-key'
parent: teamsBotKeyVault
properties: {
value: databaseAccount.listKeys().primaryMasterKey
output databaseAccountName string =
output databaseAccountId string =
Create modules/app_service_plan/appServicePlan.bicep
Create the App Service Plan. Note that depending on the deployment stage ( we just have 2 - non-prod or staging and prod), we can use different SKUs However, in example below, the SKU used is always 'Standard', for the reason that we would later use deployment slots (staging, production) for deployment and swap them once tests pass on staging slot. To enable slots, we cannot work with Free Tier plan - Azure does not allow this, hence the 'Standard'. You can choose your own plan.
param resourcePrefix string
param location string
param deploymentStage string
param commonTags object
var appServicePlanName = '${resourcePrefix}-app-plan'
// need non free for 2 slots
var appServicePlanSKU = (deploymentStage == 'prod') ? {
name: 'S1'
tier: 'Standard'
size: 'S1'
family: 'S'
capacity: 1
} : {
name: 'S1'
tier: 'Standard'
size: 'S1'
family: 'S'
capacity: 1
resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2023-12-01' = {
name: appServicePlanName
location: location
sku: appServicePlanSKU
kind: 'linux'
properties: {
perSiteScaling: false
reserved: true
targetWorkerCount: 0
targetWorkerSizeId: 0
tags:union(commonTags, {
name: appServicePlanName
output appServicePlanId string =
Create modules/app_service/appService.bicep
Create the App Service itself, which includes creating a site configuration also. We need the identity & app service plan here.
Also, we need the key Vault we created here, so that we can look this up in our bot code to fetch Cosmos DB connection
Here we would also create a 'staging' slot (default slot is 'production' and is always present !) Note that configuration of the slot should be same as the app service configuration, hence use this configuration as a variable.
Try to abstract all complexity of app to this module, such as:
- configure python version here
- allow user application settings 'as is' that come from parameter to the main script
- pre-build commands
- gunicorn WSGI wrapped main command (note name of our main bot file is
- set common variables such as PYTHONUNBUFFERED, to flush logs in python immediately
param resourcePrefix string
param location string
param commonTags object
param appId string
param userAssignedIdentityId string
param appTenantId string
param userAppSettings object
param botKeyVaultName string
param appServicePlanId string
var appServiceName = '${resourcePrefix}-web-app'
var linuxFxVersion = 'python|3.11'
var pythonVersion = split(linuxFxVersion, '|')[1]
// will use these environment properties to decide credentials flow in code
var defaultAppSettings = {
MicrosoftAppId: appId
MicrosoftAppType: 'UserAssignedMSI'
MicrosoftAppTenantId: appTenantId
MicrosoftAppPassword: ''
PRE_BUILD_COMMAND: 'python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip'
// add , appInsightsSettings if need web app to read it from env. Better way is to hide this in env, and read from secrets in code.
var mergedAppSettings = union(defaultAppSettings, userAppSettings)
// go in environment
var mergedAppSettingsList = [
for setting in items(mergedAppSettings): {
name: setting.key
value: setting.value
var siteConfiguration = {
acrUseManagedIdentityCreds: true
acrUserManagedIdentityID: userAssignedIdentityId
alwaysOn: false
appCommandLine: 'gunicorn --bind --worker-class aiohttp.worker.GunicornWebWorker --timeout 600 app:app'
// go in environment
appSettings: mergedAppSettingsList
autoHealEnabled: false
allowedOrigins: [
defaultDocuments: [
detailedErrorLoggingEnabled: false
ftpsState: 'AllAllowed'
httpLoggingEnabled: true
linuxFxVersion: linuxFxVersion
loadBalancing: 'LeastRequests'
logsDirectorySizeLimit: 35
managedPipelineMode: 'Integrated'
minTlsVersion: '1.2'
numberOfWorkers: 1
publishingUsername: appServiceName
pythonVersion: pythonVersion
requestTracingEnabled: false
remoteDebuggingEnabled: false
remoteDebuggingVersion: 'VS2022'
scmType: 'None'
use32BitWorkerProcess: true
virtualApplications: [
virtualPath: '/'
physicalPath: 'site\\wwwroot'
preloadEnabled: false
virtualDirectories: null
webSocketsEnabled: false
resource appServiceApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2023-12-01' = {
name: appServiceName
identity: {
type: 'UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities: {
'${userAssignedIdentityId}': {}
tags: union(commonTags, {name: appServiceName})
location: location
kind: 'app,linux'
properties: {
serverFarmId: appServicePlanId
httpsOnly: true
siteConfig: siteConfiguration
// Define the deployment slot with same properties as appService and webConfig
resource staging 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots@2023-12-01' = {
parent: appServiceApp
name: 'staging'
location: location
kind: 'app,linux'
identity: {
type: 'UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities: {
'${userAssignedIdentityId}': {}
tags: union(commonTags, { name: 'staging' })
properties: {
serverFarmId: appServicePlanId
httpsOnly: true
siteConfig: siteConfiguration
output appServiceName string = appServiceName
output defaultDomain string =
Create modules/bot_service/botService.bicep
Create the Bot service. Here you can choose SKUs depending on the deployment stage. Also enable the teams channel - we are building app for teams !
param resourcePrefix string
param location string
param commonTags object
param appId string
param tenantId string
param appMSIResourceId string
param domain string
param deploymentStage string
// FO and S1 ARE ONLY allowed
var botServiceSKU = (deploymentStage == 'prod') ? 'S1' : 'F0'
var botServiceName = '${resourcePrefix}-bot-service'
var botDisplayName = (deploymentStage == 'prod') ? 'My Bot' : 'My Bot (testing)'
// endpoint is in
var endPoint = 'https://${domain}/api/messages'
resource botService 'Microsoft.BotService/botServices@2023-09-15-preview' = {
kind: 'azurebot'
location: location
name: botServiceName
properties: {
description: 'Bot Service'
displayName: botDisplayName
msaAppMSIResourceId: appMSIResourceId
msaAppId: appId
endpoint: endPoint
sku: {
name: botServiceSKU
tags:union(commonTags, {
name: botServiceName
resource teamsChannel 'Microsoft.BotService/botServices/channels@2023-09-15-preview' = {
name: 'MsTeamsChannel'
parent: botService
location: location
properties: {
channelName: 'MsTeamsChannel'
properties: {
enableCalling: false
isEnabled: true
Create params.bicepparam
Note that bot cannot be deployed to all regions Also note that default values for each param is required in bicep
using './main.bicep'
param location = 'westeurope'
param deploymentStage = 'non-prod'
param userAppSettings = {}
param appInsightsKey = ''
param backEndAPIBaseURL =''
param backEndAPIKey =''
Create main.bicep
Stitch them together.
'depends on' has been added for clarity.
Observed an issue with bicep (not seen with terraform)- params when being passed to the modules should have a non-conflicting name with params defined in main.bicep such as 'keyVaultResourceGroupName' or even as defined for other modules !!
@description('The location of resource. Defaults to location of resource group. Note that bot service is not supported in all regions')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('Existing Application Insights instance connection string')
param appInsightsKey string
@description('API URL')
param backEndAPIBaseURL string
@description('API key')
param backEndAPIKey string
@description('Deployment type - prod, non-prod')
param deploymentStage string
@description('App service settings from the user. Contains sensitive data.')
param userAppSettings object
@description('Current date and time for tagging')
param deploymentDate string = utcNow('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')
var application = 'app-base-name'
var deploymentStageLower = (deploymentStage != null ? toLower(deploymentStage) : '')
var resourcePrefix = (deploymentStageLower != '' && deploymentStageLower != 'prod') ? '${application}-stg' : application
var commitId = (userAppSettings.?COMMIT_ID ?? 'NA')
var commonTags = {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroup().name
application: application
deploymentDate: deploymentDate
deploymentStage: deploymentStage
commitId: commitId
module botKeyVaultModule 'modules/key_vault/keyVault.bicep' = {
name: 'botKeyVaultDeployment'
params: {
resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix
location: location
commonTags: commonTags
appInsightsKey: appInsightsKey
backEndAPIBaseURL: backEndAPIBaseURL
backEndAPIKey: backEndAPIKey
// identity to have USER permissions on both key vaults
module managedIdentityModule 'modules/managed_identity/managedIdentity.bicep' = {
name: 'managedIdentityDeployment'
params: {
resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix
teamsBotKeyVaultName: botKeyVaultModule.outputs.botKeyVaultName
location: location
commonTags: commonTags
dependsOn: [
module cosmosDBModule 'modules/database_cosmos/databaseCosmos.bicep' = {
name: 'cosmosDBDeployment'
params: {
resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix
location: location
commonTags: commonTags
// dont use name teamsBotKeyVaultName as used already
botKeyVaultName: botKeyVaultModule.outputs.botKeyVaultName
dependsOn: [
module appServicePlanModule 'modules/app_service_plan/appServicePlan.bicep' = {
name: 'appServicePlanDeployment'
params: {
resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix
deploymentStage: deploymentStage
location: location
commonTags: commonTags
module appServiceModule 'modules/app_service/appService.bicep' = {
name: 'appServiceDeployment'
params: {
resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix
appId: managedIdentityModule.outputs.userAssignedClientId
userAssignedIdentityId: managedIdentityModule.outputs.userAssignedIdentityId
// using tenantId instead of appTenantId fails in bicep!
appTenantId: managedIdentityModule.outputs.userAssignedTenantId
location: location
userAppSettings: userAppSettings
appServicePlanId: appServicePlanModule.outputs.appServicePlanId
botKeyVaultName: botKeyVaultModule.outputs.botKeyVaultName
commonTags: commonTags
dependsOn: [
module botServiceModule 'modules/bot_service/botService.bicep' = {
name: 'botServiceDeployment'
params: {
resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix
appId: managedIdentityModule.outputs.userAssignedClientId
tenantId: managedIdentityModule.outputs.userAssignedTenantId
// using userAssignedIdentityId instead of appMSIResourceId fails in bicep!
appMSIResourceId: managedIdentityModule.outputs.userAssignedIdentityId
location: location
commonTags: commonTags
deploymentStage: deploymentStage
domain: appServiceModule.outputs.defaultDomain
dependsOn: [
output appServiceName string = appServiceModule.outputs.appServiceName
output defaultDomain string = appServiceModule.outputs.defaultDomain
output appServicePlanId string = appServicePlanModule.outputs.appServicePlanId
output teamsBotKeyVaultName string = botKeyVaultModule.outputs.botKeyVaultName
output teamsBotCosmosDBAccountName string = cosmosDBModule.outputs.databaseAccountName
output teamsBotCosmosDBAccountId string = cosmosDBModule.outputs.databaseAccountId
Create .env file
# use this to create resource names, also set as app setting on web app, for using stage in code
# bot connects to a back end API to respond to queries
# existing instance
# where do we deploy the webapp
# an existing Resource Group where we do do deployment, subscription admin creates this
# some web ap env settings
Deploy the infrastructure
Since we kept the web app name dynamic, it should not be set in environment, as post this script, we would set it to deploy code to the web app. The script below can be run after "az login", and would ask for confirmation.
Tip: Use AI to generate this.
Run this as : ./ non-prod
Note the path of .env file, correct as necessary.
We would improve this later to use GitHub actions !!
# Check if the variable is set in the environment
if [ ! -z "${APP_SERVICE_NAME}" ]; then
echo "Error: Environment variable found: APP_SERVICE_NAME. Please UNSET it, as this script would set this for the app deployment script"
exit 1
# Check if the deployment stage is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <deploymentStage>"
exit 1
# Rename $1 to $deploymentType
echo "Deployment Stage: $deploymentStage"
# List of required environment variables
# Load environment variables from .env file
if [ -f ../.env ]; then
source ../.env
echo "Error: ../.env file not found. Expected to be in this parent folder"
exit 1
# Check if all required environment variables are set
for var in "${required_env_vars[@]}"; do
if [ -z "${!var}" ]; then
echo "Error: $var environment variable is not set."
exit 1
# Log the enviornment details.
echo "Using account details for deployment..."
az account show
# Prompt the user for confirmation
read -p "Verify account details & deployment stage that you provided and confirm if you want to proceed? (Y/N): " confirm
# Check the user's response
if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Proceeding with the operation..."
# Place your script's main logic here
echo "Operation cancelled."
exit 1
commitId=$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)
echo "The short commit ID is: $commitId"
# Run the deployment command, did not use name as we have each resource deployment name in bicep
az deployment group create \
--template-file main.bicep \
--query "properties.outputs" \
--output json \
--parameters params.bicepparam \
location=$LOCATION \
deploymentStage=$deploymentStage \
appInsightsKey=$APP_INSIGHTS_KEY \
userAppSettings="{ \
\"COMMIT_ID\": \"$commitId\", \
\"DEPLOYMENT_STAGE\": \"$deploymentStage\" \
# Get the deployment outputs, 'appServiceDeployment' is fixed in bicep scripts
output=$(az deployment group show --resource-group $TEAMS_BOT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name appServiceDeployment --query properties.outputs)
# Extract the appServiceName using grep and sed
appServiceName=$(echo $output | grep -oP '"appServiceName":\s*{\s*"type":\s*"String",\s*"value":\s*"\K[^"]+')
# Set the appServiceName as an environment variable
export APP_SERVICE_NAME=$appServiceName
# Print the environment variable to verify
echo "App Service Name: $APP_SERVICE_NAME"
echo "Run on terminal before executing app deployment script: export APP_SERVICE_NAME=$APP_SERVICE_NAME"
Deploy the web app bot code
On the terminal, run:
export APP_SERVICE_NAME=<obtained from infra deploy step>
Run this as : ./
# List of required environment variables
# Load environment variables from .env file
if [ -f ../.env ]; then
source ../.env
echo "Error: ../env file not found. Expected to be in this parent folder"
exit 1
# Check if all required environment variables are set
for var in "${required_env_vars[@]}"; do
if [ -z "${!var}" ]; then
echo "Error: $var environment variable is not set."
exit 1
# Log the enviornment details.
echo "Using account details for app code deployment..."
az account show
echo "App service where the code would be deployed: $APP_SERVICE_NAME"
# Prompt the user for confirmation
read -p "Verify account details & app service name and confirm if you want to proceed? (Y/N): " confirm
# Check the user's response
if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Proceeding with the operation..."
# Place your script's main logic here
echo "Deployment cancelled."
exit 1
echo "Deploying code in resource group $TEAMS_BOT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME on bot app $APP_SERVICE_NAME..."
cd ..
mkdir -p target
rm -rf target/
zip -r target/ . -x '*docs*' '*.git*' -x "*pytest_cache*" -x "*__pycache__*" -x "*.md" -x "*.idea/*" -x "*infrastructure*" "*deployments*" -x "tests*" -x "target*" -x .env
# Run the deployment command
# Run the deployment command, first time is too slow as python image is downloaded, installed and several other hidden init activities..
az webapp deploy --resource-group $TEAMS_BOT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME\
--src-path target/\
--track-status false \
--type zip \
--async true \
--timeout 900
python -m pytest ../tests/deploy
GitHub Actions as CI / CD
In the next blog, we would integrate these scripts in CI / CD pipeline, in a very pretty & usable manner with GitHub actions.